Jason Petty - Lost Highway

Jason Petty is a buddy from high school.  He has dedicated his working and creative life to music and music history. 

This is one of three stories about guitar players.  

A man of many talents, Jason plays guitar, sings, is a master story teller, actor, and music historian.  He also happens to be a great guy, and loyal friend to many of us.  He is husband to Hope, and devoted father to Loralei and James.    

Spend a few minutes with Jason, and you will discover he is a die-hard Tennessee football fan, and keeps up with professional sports of all kinds.  Jason is well versed in business, investing, and a dozen more unrelated topics.  Like a lot of smart people I know, Jason asks a lot of questions, and he is genuinely interested in what other people have to say.      

The first time I heard Jason sing was in a high school talent show.  I recall it was an Elvis song.  The second time I heard him sing was a couple of years later, at a friend's wedding.  Mike and Karen Parkison are still married and doing great, so let's count that as a win too.  The third time I heard Jason sing, he was on stage at Opryland in Nashville, in the I Hear America Singing show.     

Some of those Opryland performances featured legends like Grandpa Jones, and George, "Goober," Lindsay.  Jason tells some wonderful stories about Grandpa Jones trying to get him tickled onstage during a show.        

In 1996, and 1997, Jason did a two year run at the Ryman Auditorium.  From March, to October, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, he sang and performed in the show, Lost Highway.  We saw him there three times, including the final show.



Side note...Also in the Lost Highway show at the Ryman was Margaret Bowman. 

She played Hank's mother, Mamma Lillie.  If you know anything about the Williams family, she was the tough one.  I later became facebook friends with Margaret, and told her how much I enjoyed her acting and portrayal of Hank's mom.  She had a wonderful sense of humor, was a joy to know,  and always was gracious and kind.  

Here is a link to an interview from 2017.  Margaret describes the first time she was ever recognized out in public, for being an actress.  She was in a restaurant in Nashville.  She was performing in Lost Highway, with Jason, at the time.   https://fox5sandiego.com/entertainment/at-the-movies-blog/hell-or-high-water-an-interview-with-actress-margaret-bowman/              Her Wiki page...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Bowman  

In the following years, Jason performed in New York City, in an Off Broadway show at the Little Shubert Theatre.  That show was enjoyed by fans, and critics.

For his New York show, he won an Obie Award. I did a quick search on that..."Tony Awards cover Broadway Productions.  The Obie Award covers Off Broadway productions.  It is considered Off Broadway's highest honor." 

Since then, Jason has performed from coast to coast, and all over Canada and Europe.  He has played large venues, and small.  

Terri and I saw Jason most recently in Woodbury, Tennessee.  The country was coming out of COVID lockdowns.  His one person show, Hank Williams-The Lonesome Tour, was amazing.  Jason's talent, and his personality were on display.  It was an unforgettable evening. 

For a couple of hours, all was right in the world.  It was 1950 something, and Hank Williams, and his music were back on stage.

My parents both enjoyed the show, and talked about it for weeks.  Several of our classmates from Manchester were also there:  Trent Harmon, Richard and Tammy Harrington, and Coach Oscar Dale Gardner, from the football team.          


Jason's web site is above.  Learn more about this fellow, and even check out his schedule.  If you live anywhere in the Lower 48, chances are good that he will be doing a show near you before too long.           

100th Birthday Celebration Show ...
Hank Williams was born on September 17, 1923.   Jason has written, and is starring in a show now that is a 100th birthday celebration for Hank Williams. 
Terri and I have our tickets for Jason's July 1, 2023, show, in Bell Buckle.  I can hardly wait!  

There are many wonderful reviews, and endorsements from others for Jason, and his music.  Here are a few recent ones..

May 29, 2023

June 14, 2023

Photo Credits Jasonpetty.com

When I first started thinking about three guitar players, Jason, my cousin Erik, and my buddy Ivan, came to mind.  All three for different reasons.   

I'm still learning from Jason.  

First of all, the value of keeping in touch, and cheering one another on.  As young people, and even more so, as we get older, encouraging one another is a true blessing.  If you don't have those relationships, call up an old friend, and keep making new ones.  Invest in other people.  Be an Encourager, and cheer for somebody.  Look around and see who is cheering for you.       

Secondly, Jason makes the most of his "home time."  So whether a person is home from work for ten or twelve hours, like me, or or ten days, like Jason, I'm reminded to make the very most of it.  Go somewhere interesting, Go to the store.  Just go together. If you are chilling out watching TV, or whatever, at least do it together. Keep investing your time and energy in the people's lives that mean the most to you. 

Finally, Jason has taken risks, and followed his dreams.  Did I tell you that he was a successful maxilofacial medical sales rep?
That might have been the safer career path.  He was good at it too.  But, somewhere deep down, Jason knew that wasn't what he was on this earth to do.  He left that job and went to work at Opryland.  

What risks are you willing to take to do something interesting?  We should all be willing to put ourselves "out there" for something worthwhile.  Volunteer your time, start a side hustle, get back to an old hobby you still day dream about.  Maybe take a part time job at a place you would work for free.          

Jason makes music, and music history come alive.  He takes you on a journey to a special place and time.  

When you see his show, you will laugh, and smile, till your jaws hurt.  You can clap and sing along.  Jason makes you feel what he feels, and you will have the goose bumps to prove it.     

When the show comes to an end, a lone spotlight is on Jason.  After a few seconds, He will sing an upbeat, "I Saw the Light." You will swear it is Hank Williams singing.  

That's the same song Hank used to close out his show.  

It's quite a celebration, and feels like a old fashioned revival.  Don't be surprised if you get a cold chill, and even shed a tear or two.

A good guitar player can do that to you.