Snake in the road ! - Jeff Taylor is like us after all

Snake in the road !

This could also be called tales from Linda Lane.  One morning we were on the back side of the morning loop, on Linda Lane.  With no warning, Jeff screamed like a little girl.  We noticed both his feet extended straight out, like a kid riding through a mud puddle.  He had ran over a snake.  That is the one time I know of that Jeff let his guard down and acted like the rest of us.  Once Jeff got safely past it, his coach voice returned, and he yelled, “Snake in the road!” 

Another interesting thing about Linda lane is, Chico the donkey lives in the meadow on the corner.  This is where Linda Lane and Davenport Road meet at the stop sign. We almost never saw Chico, but if you called out to him by his name, or you made a loud heeee hawww sound, he would answer.  At Six Fifteen in the morning, this is how we entertained ourselves.  Brad was the best at this, and Jeff was always amused when Chico answered Brad's call.