Plant a tree...


A proverb can make us think.  I found this wonderful article about Greek proverbs from December 27, 2019, by Nick Kampouris:

The one above, about planting trees, hits home for me right now.  We sail from this chapter of life to the next, like a bird riding a westerly wind.  Time passes quickly.  I do not take this for granted.   

The idea of "Planting trees" can be taken literally, or not.  

If you take it literally, the earth needs trees.  They scrub the Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere, and produce oxygen.  

Trees provide material for building, homes for wildlife, and a place for little boys and girls that climb.  Paper comes from trees. Fruit comes from trees.  Trees... are good. 

Taken not so literally, "Planting trees" is any unselfish act, that a person may not directly benefit from.  

This is not the natural human experience.  Job 5:7 tells us, "Man is born to trouble, as surely as sparks fly upward."  

Some of us choose a higher path.   A few examples...

Kindness to strangers. 

Giving of your time or money to charity. 

Teaching a child, or adult  to read and write.   

Delaying satisfaction, with the next generation in mind. 

Investing in the Arts and music. 

Random acts of kindness. 

Greatness begins when one person is unselfish.      

It can spread to others:  friends, family, our community, then society.  Our world is changed.  

Lately, I've been more interested in our family history.  We have wonderful examples of people that sacrificed time, money, and opportunity, to make things better for someone else.  Some endured hardships, and long boring careers.  These people sacrificed their youth, health, and delayed personal pleasure, for a bigger purpose.    

There are also examples of selfish, everybody tip toe around me, got to have it now people in our family.  

It takes all kinds.  We can learn from them.  

Don't know any of these selfish people?  

Maybe its time to slow down, and plant an actual tree or two.  Maybe add some flowers.  Your world will start to look different.  

It might even feel diferent.  

One unselfish act can change you.     

The westerly winds - continue to blow.  

The earth will be a better place.   

The next generation will appreciate the shade. 

Steve Stone                12-4-2024