Best Ramp in 3 Counties !

There are three steps connecting the sun room where my dad stays, to the rest of the house.  The door there is too narrow to get a wheel chair through.  So Every night, right after supper, he wraps up, and takes a short trip outside.  We go around to the front sidewalk, up the ramp, and back into the house.  It's his nightly bathroom trip.  He looks forward to this outing.  We always stop and check the rain gauge.  Sometimes we trim a few twigs, pull some weeds, or get the mail.  He and Jonathon Bell planted a bunch of pine trees in the front yard, and we sometimes go check them  out too.  It's not unusual for dad to have a list of things he wants us to do when I get there.  This is our routine for the last five+ years.  Getting around the house has not always been this easy.    
Melanie, Sheri and I pitch in and help our parents in lots of different ways.  They do things all week long and on the weekends.  The bathroom trip, because of the physical demands, and time of day, is mostly my responsibility.    

Shawn Ross lives close to mom and dad.  He has been great to ask about them, and check on them.  Shawn and his family built a house in the meadow just on the other side of dad's pasture.  A few months after dad's long stay at NHC, Shawn came to check on them.   

For most of that year, we made our nightly trip around the house, up the front steps, and into the living room.  We backed up to the steps, then I pulled him and his chair up, one step at a time.  This was doable, but hard on the back and shoulders.  Also, dad felt like he was going to crash back down, and get hurt.  

Shawn realized what we were doing, and said, "I'll build you a ramp!"  

Shawn works as a Nurse Anesthetists, at Harton Regional Medical Center.  He said he built cabinets, and did all kinds of projects to get through college.  He did a bunch of the trim and cabinets in his new house.  Shawn came back about a week later with some pre-cut four by four posts, boards, a big drill, and a level.  He took his time, and built the ramp, with no help, in just a few afternoons after work.  

To this day, every night, as we go up or down the ramp, dad mentions Shawn.  The ramp is wonderful.  Dad says it's the best one in three counties.  

Thank you Shawn, for recognizing a need, and stepping in and helping our parents.  You are the kind of neighbor we all should try to be.