It's too warm here by the candles.
The cake is way too sweet.
My face blushes from the attention.
Why do I dread my birthday week?
Celebrations are so different now,
with social media leading the way.
The words are friendly and genuine,
The messages drop in all day.
and people I'm sure I don't know.
I read each one and reply and smile,
Then back to my routine I go.
To be remembered, a dear friend once told me,
is the best compliment one can take.
Your kind words, are my candles.
Being remembered, is my cake.
Steve Stone 9-13-2021
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Special shout out to Eric Hogstrom!
Eric is the friend (above) that, years ago told me, "Being remembered is the best compliment a person can ever get."
The moment he said that, I knew it was solid wisdom. As I got older, all the more.
It was his statement, plus the feeling of thankfulness for birthday messages, that resulted in this little rhyme.
Eric's wisdom also guides me as I attempt to tell something of other peoples stories. Remembering them, and why they are important to me, or how they had an impact on who I am.
Thank you Eric!