Facebook Birthday

It's too warm here by the candles. 

The cake is way too sweet. 

My face blushes from the attention.  

Why do I dread my birthday week?   

Celebrations are so different now,    

with social media leading the way.        

The words are friendly and genuine,

The messages drop in all day. 

I hear from family, old friends, and new friends, 

and people I'm sure I don't know.  

I read each one and reply and smile,

Then back to my routine I go.  

To be remembered, a dear friend once told me, 

is the best compliment one can take.

Your kind words, are my candles.

Being remembered, is my cake. 


Steve Stone            9-13-2021

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Special shout out to Eric Hogstrom!  

Eric is the friend (above) that, years ago told me, "Being remembered is the best compliment a person can ever get."  

The moment he said that, I knew it was solid wisdom.  As I got older, all the more.   

It was his statement, plus the feeling of thankfulness for birthday messages, that resulted in this little rhyme.

Eric's wisdom also guides me as I attempt to tell something of other peoples stories.  Remembering them, and why they are important to me, or how they had an impact on who I am.

Thank you Eric!